About the Forum
Formal membership of the Forum is made up of representatives from each synod of the URC, the URC Mission Committee and from other agencies within the denomination including the Church Related Community Work program, Mission Enablers and Children and Youth Work networks. It is also open to anyone in the denomination with a particular interest in and concern for the aims of the Forum.
It is primarily focused on developing and linking to resources that can help churches to have a mission based focus on buildings and has identified online networking as one important way of bringing churches into contact with one another.
The hope is to expand the informal membership of the Forum by inviting people with an interest in its work, or relevant experience or enthusiasm to join a circulation list for emails and information about events or other activities.
It is hoped for example, to be able to organise gatherings at places of particular interest and to arrange occasional web-based meetings using webinars or similar techniques.
If you would like to be placed on a contact list please email us at [email protected]